Hey hey peepol...
I'm kinda busy these days cause of school, and I decided to peek in and say my longest post is yet to come....when I finish it.
My second Game Review: Metal Gear Sold: Snake Eater.
Video o' the Month: 4 more days...
I know this is around 1, or 2 months old.
But this is based on an interesting conversation that took place in Seagull, it was between me, my aunt (Finifenmaa) and Sid (aharen).
It was about the world... :D
1. The Beginning
We all came from West Africa, and then, as humans, we decided to live on our own.
This happens nowadays as well, people moving away from family and living somewhere else, but EARLIER, they had huge, empty countries to move into, (since all humans have inquisitiveness and the need to explore, though nowadays, more people hide such facts under a veil of lies)
And they decided to stay there and procreate and fill the country with their off springs, and mix breeding with other countries and having the time of their lives...
Then came racism
People took people who look like them into their own countries, gave the country names etc...
And they lived like that, until everyone decided theres no crime against marrying one of the other country, but that person needs to apply as a citizen of that country, etc...
*puts down milkshake*
Am I making any sense...?
Yeah, I thought not...
Finifenmaa: What's wrong with Jim Reeves?
Sid: Nothing, it's just that he's overrated, you know?
Me: Mainstream?
Sid: Yep?
Finifenmaa: Mainstream? What's that?
Me: *sigh* let me put it in a simpler way..Jim Reeves = Britney Spears...
I've gotten hooked on it, no doubt XD
Well, I think last year, my friend told me to get CS 1.6
And what an experience that was for me..
My first reaction:
"whoa, this place sucks....WHAT? I HAVE THE BOMB? HOW DO I PUT IT DOWN?"
And the next day, I uninstalled it...
Few months ago, my buddy and House Buddy came home with CS: Source on his laptop, and I looked at it and thought...
'Is this the same shit that uTorrent crapped out unto my computer?'
It looks AWESOME, and I asked him for it, and got hooked on it...
Everything is MUCH more simpler, etc...
And get me a pizza while your at it ;)
As promised, I giveth thou...
Video of the Month...
recognize this one, Squirr? LOL...
And..The Video of the month will come every 14th of a month, since my birthday is a 14...
I was bored, high on lemonade, and...uh...still bored...So I decided to write a short story...
Criticism is welcome..no, I mean it...
The Man with No Dic...
no wait, wrong story..
Vanquisher of Sins (thats the lemonade working there, not me..)
It was pure darkness...
It was like as the moon had been blown away, like a candle.
Even the stars dared not shine this night, as if somehow, they knew what was going to happen.
"Please...", a silent plead came from the barn in a near by farm.
The woman was tied up, and hanging from the banisters.
She was sobbing and muttering something incoherently.
The Man with the Knife didn't care, he was set on destroying the world of evil, one sin at a time.
This woman, had been Alice Dahlia, a rich entrepreneur, and a well known miser. She had always scoffed at the poor, thinking that it was Gods punishment for them. "Natural Selection indeed" , she had once said.
How wrong she was.
"Alice Dahlia, Greed, Pride....tut tut...one sinful person, eh?" The Man asked her, toying with her, as a lion does before the kill...
"no...no...I'm...sorry" Alice croaked, every word uttered with pain.
"I have nothing against you, Alice, however, you have sinned against God, you have caused pain to God's Creations" he snarled back at her..
"No matter how much you deny it...you have sinned, and therefore, you MUST pay" as he said the word 'must' he slashed the knife across her stomach.
Guts spilled out of the wound, The Man, the sociopath serial killer enjoyed the sight.
He picked up some of them, and shoved them in her mouth...
He looked up as if in a prayer and said "I have done good..."
End of Part One...
now heres the hidden stuff:
the victims name is Alice, and she's chained, Alice in Chains, geddit?
This thing was based on some movie, about a dude, who kills people cuz of sins they commit, if anyone can tell me the name, do tell...
Well, for all of you out there who I said would put up the pics I (emphasis on the I) took..
Here you go...
note: I have only chosen the pics that I like since I took them all using a Nokia 6300's two megapixel camera...We were lucky enough we were with a family friend, as he landed us with a spot in First Class, in Edelweiss...the TV thing has around 6 movies or so, and the movies I watched are:
Horton Hears a Who (again)
Fool's Gold
And a quarter of the Bucket List...
That's the park near Geneva: For a person who only likes a few things, I thought it was UNBELIEVEABLY awesome... Meh.
The rest=: laters, I'm a lazy f*ck a the moment...
for all of you who think i'm bragging: i'm not, just sharing some of my photos with all of you...